This is a Four Percent Challenge review (Success Challenge for affiliate marketing). It's now the precursor to Affiliate Marketing Academy (AMA), another course inside the Four Percent Group, created by Vick Strizheus.
If you're looking to review information about the Four Percent Group as a whole then you can click here.
In this article, you'll learn what the Four Percent Success Challenge is, including the programs that come with it, who the Success Challenge is for, it's features and capabilities, and much more.
As someone new to online marketing, I know you may be feeling somewhat overwhelmed when it comes to finding a quality course and training system you can tap into. Something that gives you options and a clear vision to become something greater than yourself.
Overall, the Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing course is a "mindset power house" that equips you with the vision and inner-success before you even get started.
Beware of Other Four Percent Challenge Reviews
It's important to know that there are many article variations on the Internet about a Four Percent Challenge Review being "100% exposed" or how it's some kind of scam.
First of all, most of them are outdated by months and even years in some cases. This is due to the Four Percent Group frequently changing and updating its course.
This includes changes to the Four Percent Success Challenge, now marketed as the precursor to Affiliate Marketing Academy.
Finally, I'm confident the Success Challenge is not a scam.
You can learn more about the founder, Vick Strizheus or his Four Percent Group from those linked articles.
Success Challenge Review
USE: Affiliate marketing over the shoulder training program
PRICE: Gold Membership w/ Free option MY RATING: 13.5/15 STARS /90% A-
Ease of Use/Interface
Very easy to navigate between elements
Customer Support
24hr chat, phone, email & snail mail
Value For Money
Various session and training delays
SUMMARY: The Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing teaches you how to build an Affiliate Marketing business from scratch. The mindset training, development, and mastermind webinars alone, make it worth your purchase.
NOTE: Please Stand By- There will be another link coming soon to enter a much cheaper Affiliate Marketing Academy
What is the Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing?
The Four Percent Success Challenge, created by Vick Strizheus is The Four Percent Group's original signature product. The group is built on an educational ecosystem designed to train anyone with access to the internet how to build any business in the world.
The Success Challenge teaches you how to get started from scratch as an affiliate marketer through comprehensive over the shoulder, step-by-step video sessions.
Vick designed the Four Percent Challenge, which leads into Affiliate Marketing Academy, knowing people want options, including financial freedom. He also knows they want to be part of a vision: something greater than themselves.
With these things in mind, Vick has evolved the Four Percent Success Challenge into a collation of tested and revised marketing sessions.
Keep in mind, you can be involved in any type of business. If you don't want to be an affiliate marketer you still benefit the same way anyone else would from the success challenge. It's what you learn that matters as it can be applied to any business in the world.
NOTE: Success Challenge - No Longer Three Different Levels
Originally, the Four Percent Success Challenge was designed in three different challenge level programs. Each level was thought to be an extension or continuation of the previous one. They were to teach you how to go from zero to, $10K, $100K, to eventually over $1Million dollars in sales by the time you complete the 3rd level.
Since redevelopment, the Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing is now one level designed as the precursor to Affiliate Marketing Academy. To get access, you must be a Four Percent Gold Member. You can check out Vick's lifetime deal here.
15 Sessions To Complete
These Four Percent Challenge sessions are not intrusive and can be easily consumed by anyone. Each one of these sessions are also know as a "success pill" for you to complete each day.
To be clear, inside each session are multiple training videos. So, although there are 15 sessions, if each session has on average 4 training videos...
That's over 60 training videos you'd be getting access to in the Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing.
The action steps you take through each session are strategically designed to put each step to work as you build your online affiliate marketing business.
The Success Challenge is Not a Ponzi Scheme?
All Four Percent programs are product-centric. The Success Challenge for affiliate marketing is designed to deliver a consumable product. This is done by developing fundamental aspects of your business, by including theory, personal development, marketing tools, and implementation support to get you results.
That being said, it's not a Ponzi Scheme.
Ponzi Scheme's is fraud (illegal) based on nonexistent products, fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first customers from money invested by later customers.
It's Not MLM or Tiered Structured Either?
MLMs or multi-level networks often get criticized for being ponzi schemes. I can tell you many of them run a very fine line between being one, but the Four Percent Success Challenge isn't an MLM either.
MLMs are paid on multi-levels. That means when someone buys your recommend product you get a commission. Then when the person who bought from you sells to someone you make a percent off of it. This happens on multiple levels. Some to even infinite levels.
Basically, they are not stand alone or open loop models like Four Percent Products are.
Who The 4% Success Challenge Serves Best
If you have little to no experience, high stress, are unemployed, at risk of losing a job, need money to pay off some big emergency, etc. Then you most likely will not do well with the Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing.
You will end up quitting before you even had a chance to get started."
On the other hand, if you seek success --regardless of your current situation. Know that true success comes by doing the things you love.
Only then can the money and income follow.
If You're In It For The Long Haul
The Success Challenge for affiliate marketing serves those who are willing to begin building a business the right way. To do it correctly is to build into a life-long skill. This is a career path of being patient and doing the daily tasks that will produce results in the future.
The money you learn how to earn should be invested in learning more skills, purchasing tools and placing advertisements. This way you can be better positioned to make a higher degree of passive income.
That being said, anyone willing to be taught how to own, brand and operate their own online business should consider taking the Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing.
Those Who Can Afford It
If you are bickering and complaining about how you can't afford the Four Percent Success Challenge, then it may not be for you.
If you can't see your self reaping the long-term benefits from one of the best structured training and product centric affiliate marketing programs of its time, then stick with a JOB.
However, don't be mistaken or fooled into thinking you can't afford something you need. Yeah, there's a realistic point in time you may literally not have enough money to pay for something.
However, if you need or want something bad enough, you can always do what you can to work towards eventually paying for it.
Otherwise, if you're not working towards what you want in life, then my guess is you'll never afford Four Percent's Gold membership.
NOTE: Get Lifetime Membership
To purchase Vick's products, such as the Success Challenge or Affiliate Marketing Academy, you'll now have to pay an annual membership. I believe it's worth every penny if you're relatively new to the online marketing game. There is obviously much more to be offered here when you become a member. You can actually create a free membership to start learning from Vick in free courses, like his "7 Steps to Freedom" or his "Mass Traffic Blueprint."
A Look Inside the Success Challenge's Features
Video Coming Soon...
My Success Challenge Journey
Mindset Development
In all the years I spent trying to find success online, it was the Success Challenge that helped train my mind on executing the income producing strategies necessary for me to succeed.
Throughout my review of each Success Challenge training session, Vick helped me focus on changing my thinking to make better decisions.
Sure enough, as soon as I made the choice to review the Success Challenge, I felt like I already had my money's worth after watching the first few sessions. I found focus to acquire everything I needed to build the online business I always wanted.
If you think that sounds a bit hyped up or cliché, then you're spot on, because that's what I first thought when Vick told me that's what would happen.
This found focus came from me learning how to...
Becoming My Best Self
In my Four Percent Challenge review -- Hands down, the best part about it is...
Vick Strizheus' ability to focus on developing the best version of 'YOU.' After all, if you don't believe you can succeed then the Four Percent Challenge can't help you and you won't attract success. It's really that simple.
Your best self is a highly successful, distinct and motivated individual who lives in their full potential. Someone living an ever evolving and open mindset towards personal development!
Vick Strizheus
Four Percent Founder
For generations to come, Vick's vision of becoming 'the best version of you' through the Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing will help many people shift their mental paradigm. This allows them to see themselves as valuable enough to make the money they've always dreamed of.
It's for this reason that Vick refers to the Four Percent Success Challenge as his "Legacy Project." ...Something that his kids' kids will grow up learning about.
As a result, inspired Four Percent Challenge reviews are making more and more headlines as people continue to report amazing, life changing outcomes.
You need to commit to become your best self. Only then can the Four Percent Group help you make your first $5K in commissions as an Online Affiliate Marketer.
Being Unconsciously Competent
What does your best self look like?
In the Success Challenge, Vick talks about how every person needs to figure out what their best self looks like for themselves.
Moreover, I've learned it's a matter of asking myself what it is that I really want and who do I need to become in order to get it!?
Once I figured that out, it was a matter of impressing that (what I wanted) into my subconscious mind over and over again until I was unconsciously competent in getting what I desired.
What I'm talking about was reflected in the Hierarchy of Competence Model by Noel Burch created in the 1970s.
Making $10K dollars in sales at the bottom stage (red) may not only seem impossible for some, but their not even thinking about it.
Then in the next stage (yellow) we at least start to think about it, but we don't yet know how to get it..
Next, we learn how to make $10K dollars in sales (green), until it becomes second nature to us (blue).
I believe we all go through this Hierarchy as we learn new things. However, the time it takes for us to advance through each stage varies depending on our experiences.
Success Challenge Success Stories
I'm not here to sell you if you're not already sold. I guess in the end, you'll find whatever it is you're looking for if you look hard enough. A good review... A bad review... Someone, somewhere, always has an opinion.
However, I'm a straight shooter. I give the good, bad, and the ugly as you can see from what others have had to say over the years.
On the much larger side of things there is an overwhelming number of positive affirmations, reviews, and success stories.
Below, I'm just sharing a video and some screenshots, but you can find even more credible reviews on Trustpilot.
There are over 2,500 -- 4.9/5 star reviews on Trustpilot claim that currently "no other program in existence will change your life the way Affiliate Marketing Academy will."
Success Challenge Review Summary
After years of marketing, I can write this Four Percent Challenge review by saying it is one of the best structures and level of education around. It's built with simplicity and results.
It's more than just another training or affiliate product. Selling affiliate products is only the beginning.
It's an Entrepreneur's lifestyle of building a brand. A brand built on teaching you how to invest in an audience that will come to know, like and trust you no matter what your doing.
Discover Who You've Been Created to Be
If you dare take the Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing, you will move towards what it is you truly want in life. Things will become that much easier for you as you discover who you've truly been created to be.
Without these discoveries, your subconscious mind remains stuck and invaluable. Consequently, since your money is a direct reflection of the value you bring to the marketplace, you remain broke.
Having gone through the Four Percent Challenge twice now, I can tell you it teaches you how to break free from that remaining broke mentality. You will break free in a way that eliminates overwhelm, confusion and frustration, so that you can get results you've always wanted.
I strongly suggest you go through it and create your own Four Percent Challenge review. You have a real shot... A real opportunity... to rise head and shoulders above everybody else in your space, multiply your results and become UNSTOPPABLE.
I just set through Vicks webinar
Today and am excited to start the 4 percnt challenge
Awesome… Did you get started. Let me know if you need anything?